-- Human Body Communication (HBC) -- 인체통신 -- 人体通信 --
The 5th Joint Seminar on Human Body Communication (HBC) Standards,
Collaboration between Korea and Japan in 2015
The 5th Joint Seminar on Human Body Communication Standards, Collaboration between Korea and Japan was held in Daejeon on March 12 and 13, 2015.
Daejeon is the location with many research institutes and universities. Dr. Nebiya lectured on human body communication technology at Chungnam National University (CNU), too.
Conference Information
* Date : March 12 - 13, 2015
* Venue : Yousung Hotel, Daejeon, Korea
* Sponcer : Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)
* Sponcer : Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS)
* Organizer (Korea) : Dr. Byong Nam Lee (ETRI)
* Organizer (Japan) : Dr. NEBIYA Hideyuki (AMPLET, Inc.)
* Contact us : E-Mail
The list of special sessions to be held at "The 5th Joint Seminar on Human Body Communication (HBC) Standards, Collaboration between Korea and Japan in 2015" is below.
March 12, 2015
(1) Welcome Address
----- Byoung Nam Lee (ETRI)
(2) The Heartwarming Communication HBC - Communication between Person and Machine
----- NEBIYA Hideyuki (AMPLET, Inc.)
(3) Transceiver for Human Body Communication Using Frequency Selective Digital Transmission
----- Sung Weon Kang (ETRI)
(4) "MiroCam" Using In-body Human Body Communication
----- Felix K. Yie (IntroMedic)
March 13, 2015
(5) Recent HBC Activity - elefin (Nippon Signal)
----- Kinoshita Taizo (Hitachi)
(6) VAD (ventricular assist device) Telemetry System Using HBC
----- NEBIYA Hideyuki (The University of Tokyo Hospital)
(7) Analsysis on Co-channel Interference of Human Body Communication Supporting IEEE 802.15.6 BAN Standard
----- Jung Hwan Hwang (ETRI)
(8) Radio Wave Propagation in a HBC Device including a Transceiver
----- Maeyama Toshiyuki (Takushoku University)
(9) Wrap Up Session