-- Human Body Communication (HBC) -- 인체통신 -- 人体通信 --
The 3rd Joint Seminar on Human Body Communication (HBC) Standards,
Collaboration between Korea and Japan in 2012
The 3rd Joint Seminar on Human Body Communication Standards, Collaboration between Korea and Japan was held in Jeju Island on October 22 and 23, 2012. We discussed about some applications using HBC technology for creating new business.
Participants from Japan have enjoyed sightseeing on Jeju Island, where is the famous resort place in Korea on October 24.
Conference Information
* Date : October 22 - 23, 2012
* Venue : Hotel Shine Ville, Jeju, Korea
* Sponcer : Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)
* Sponcer : Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS)
* Organizer (Korea) : Dr. Byong Nam Lee (ETRI)
* Organizer (Japan) : Dr. NEBIYA Hideyuki (AMPLET, Inc.)
* Contact us : E-Mail
The list of special sessions to be held at "The 3rd Joint Seminar on Human Body Communication (HBC) Standards, Collaboration between Korea and Japan in 2012" is below.
October 22, 2012
(1) Welcome Address
----- Byoung Nam Lee (ETRI)
(2) Car Body Area Network
----- Kinoshita Taizo (Hitachi)
(3) Digital HBC System
----- Sung Weon Kang (ETRI)
October 23, 2012
(4) A Study on Electrode using Periodic Structure for HBC
----- Maeyama Toshiyuki (Takushoku University)
(5) The Latest Trends and Applications of Short Range Wireless Communication
----- NEBIYA Hideyuki (AMPLET, Inc.)
(6) HBC Propagation and Man Made Noise
----- Jung Hwan Hwang (ETRI)
(7) Wrap Up Session