-- Human Body Communication (HBC) -- 인체통신 -- 人体通信 --
The 1st Joint Seminar on Human Body Communication (HBC) Standards,
Collaboration between Korea and Japan in 2011
In order to provide a mechanism for scientific and technical cooperation in Human Body Communication (HBC) technology, AMPLET Inc. of Japan and Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) of Korea agreed to purse scientific and technical cooperation in HBC in accordance with Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).
The purpose of this MoU is to provide a framework for the exchange of scientific and technical knowledge and the augmentation of scientific and technical capabilities of AMPLET and ETRI with respect to HBC.
The 1st Joint Seminar on Human Body Communication Standards, Collaboration between Korea and Japan was held in Seoul on November 22 and 23, 2011.
Conference Information
* Date : November 22 - 23, 2011
* Venue : Le Meridien Seoul
* Sponcer : Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)
* Sponcer : Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS)
* Organizer (Korea) : Dr. Byong Nam Lee (ETRI)
* Organizer (Japan) : Dr. NEBIYA Hideyuki (AMPLET, Inc.)
* Contact us : E-Mail
The list of special sessions to be held at "The 1st Joint Seminar on Human Body Communication (HBC) Standards, Collaboration between Korea and Japan in 2011" is below.
November 22, 2011
(1) Welcome Address
----- Byoung Nam Lee (ETRI)
(2) SensorNET (BAN) and Applications
----- Kinoshita Taizo (Hitachi)
(3) HBC Propagation
----- Maeyama Toshiyuki (Takushoku University)
November 23, 2011
(4) Summary of IEEE 802.15.6
----- Sung Weon Kang (ETRI)
(5) The Latest Trends and Applications of Human Body Communication
----- NEBIYA Hideyuki (AMPLET, Inc.)
(6) Wrap Up Session