About AMPLET, Inc.

AMPLET, Inc. is an Engineering Company on Wireless Communications. AMPLET, Inc. has been managed by two Electronics Engineering Doctors, Dr. Hideyuki Nebiya and Dr. Nobuo Tsukamoto.

Dr. Hideyuki Nebiya, President

AMPLET has not been receiving the import of capital from the other companies since AMPLET has established on September 9th, 1987, and has been continuing the no debt management by funds on hand. It would be greatful for us if your company would think of AMPLET as your exclusive R & D Center.

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Dr. Nobuo Tsukamoto, Vice President

AMPLET accepts Circuit Design, Development, and Making a Prototype for Trial Purposes of Radio Frequency and Digital Signal Processing, and so on.

We thank Professor Jong-Myung Woo of Chungnam National University for his effective advice for antenna design.